
Tuesday, March 30, 2010

5 Natural Cures for Insomnia and How Panic Away Can Reduce Your Anxiety

Panic Away can help CURE your anxiety that keeps you up all night tossing and turning... the good news is that you don’t have to pop a pill to summon the sandman to arrive. Try these natural remedies to lure you to la-la land.

Who doesn’t need a good night sleep to feel refreshed and alive in the morning. You'll feel cranky, lethargic, and irritable if you don't get a restful night sleep.

Sleeping pills can cause drowsiness the next day, try a natural cure.

Natural Insomnia Cures:

1. Chamomile calms your nerves. Drinking a cup of chamomile tea before bed soothes and relaxes the central nervous system. Make sure to steep your tea for at least 2 minutes.
2. Lavender invites slumber. Essential for healing the body 'deep sleep' will make you feel fabulous and rested the next morning. Sniff lavender essential oil, or sprinkle a couple of drops on your pillow. It triggers the release of serotonin that is needed for sleep.
3. Melatonin is available in health food or vitamin stores. People with insomnia are in short supply. Make sure to check with the health food consultant on this natural supplement and take an hour before bed.
4. L-theanine is an amino acid that helps people to toss and turn less. You will feel more rested and energetic the next day. Purchase in vitamin stores.
5. Snack your way to sleep. Tryptophan an amino acid helps the body make serotonin and melatonin. These foods are best eaten 30-60 minutes before going to bed.
a. ½ cup of cottage cheese
b. Handful of soy nuts
c. A glass of milk
d. A couple of whole-grain crackers
e. A slice of cheese

A good night’s sleep is critical for the next day to be productive, the ability to make clear decisions, and to have patience. It doesn't matter how long you've been suffering with insomnia,it's TIME to do something about it NOW.

You WILL enjoy a restful night sleep again!

(reference: Woman's World 2010)

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Ease Layoff Anxiety with Panic Away

It's normal to experience a lot of feelings if you've just been laid off or have the fear of losing your job. It can be very stressful on your emotions including your self esteem. Free of medication, Panic Away is a natural treatment proven to be the most effective.

Effecting your emotional state, a job loss or layoff can easily trigger dreadful panic or anxiety attacks. It's completely normal to feel angry or frustrated, the fear of the unknown can be very scary. Getting laid off or losing your job is difficult, and so many have fallen into depression because of it.

It may be difficult but changing your perspective can make a huge difference now that you've lost your job. Look at what happened as a window of opportunity to regroup and rethink your career, maybe even change careers and finally do what you love, start your own business or go back to school. Whatever you decide it’s imperative to try and train your mind to think as positively as you can about the situation.

You're panic is definitely real and scary but it needs to be dealt with right away. If you’re finding it too overwhelming and are not coping well it’s even more critical to get help fast so it doesn’t lead to depression.

How to Survive a Layoff or Job Loss

Ask yourself what kind of job you want
Adopt a positive attitude
Update and prepare your resume
Spend a considerable amount of time doing job search
Spend time on You
Learn a new skill
Take a long walk
Make a list of things that you are grateful for

Hold your head high and remember it’s not permanent. Getting control of your panic attacks or anxiety is the key NOT letting panic or anxiety attacks control you.

Now a new beginning, remember the law of attraction is powerful too. Time for redirection, this is time to creat a better life, think positively and believe that a great job is just around the corner.

The good news is that there is help and there is a CURE with Panic Away.

STOP those anxious and panic driven thoughts for good learning Panic Away’s AWESOME One Move Technique that has helped thousands of people live a life that’s anxiety free and confident!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Water Helps Eliminate Anxiety Symptoms Learn More with Panic Away

Drinking water is critical not only to keep your body healthy but to help to alleviate anxiety symptoms. Panic Away is a fantastic program to teach you all you need to know!

Every organ in the body heavily depends on water to function properly and to its capacity. We are mostly water. The human body is 69% water. The brain is 85% water, bones 35% water, blood 83% water and the liver 90% water.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, and difficulty focusing and it is estimated that 75% of Americans are dehydrated. With everyone’s day being so busy, it may be difficult to drink the recommended daily intake of water, approximately 8 glasses a day so try to keep a water bottle handy at all times. When you start to feel thirsty your body is telling you that it's already dehydrated. Make sure you don't overdo it on your alcoholic beverages or caffeinated drinks; they actually dehydrate you that's why with alcohol you get that terrible 'hangover'because your body is crying out for water.

Signs of Moderate Dehydration

-Dry, sticky mouth
-Dark urine
-Dizzy or lightheaded

How to Stay Hydrated

-Drink 6-8, 8-ounce glasses of pure water every day.
-Try to drink every 30 minutes, especially first thing in the morning, it will help you feel energized, even if you don’t feel thirsty
-Avoid too much caffeinated drinks or alcohol.
-Water will also help keep your weight in check. Drinking 8 glasses of day will help you to feel more full.
-Herbal teas count too as long as there not diuretic.

Wreaking havoc with your emotions dehydration contributes substantially to fatigue, lethargy, headaches, nervousness and irritability. Note that dehydration can contribute to nervousness and anxiety. The anxiety or panic attacks diminish with regular water intake and helps to keep the body well hydrated and functioning well.

Water... What a powerful little way to stop the symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. You can stop your anxiety or panic attacks, don't let anxiety rob your hope. Learn more with Panic Away.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ease Anxiety Attacks With a Healthy Diet and Beat Them for Good With Panic Away

Eat a healthy well balanced diet to ease the anxiety or panic attacks that keep you in bondage.

Anxiety sufferers are usually deficient in vitamins and minerals such as the B-complex vitamins and magnesium.

B-Complex: Help the nervous system to function properly and help to bring energy to people who are constantly stressed.
Magnesium: Helps muscles to relax and maintenance of the heart muscle.

Junk food only comforts you temporarily so reach for a healthy meal or snack, it will even out your emotions and help to give you more energy and reduce stress.

Causing mood swings, and lack of energy are foods that are refined or "white" such as white sugar, white pasta, white rice or white bread.

Reduce your caffieinated drinks like sodas and coffee. Consume in moderation, considered as a mild stimulant it affects the nervous system by increasing your heart rate. Also a diuretic, it can increase water loss through urination. Healthier alternatives would be water, herbal tea, milk or natural fruit juice.

So eat foods that give you a boost!

What Do I Eat?

  1. Skip the trans-fats. These are all bad for your heart so if it says ``hydrogenated`` or ``modified`` stay away.
  2. Nuts or seeds. Particularly almonds and pumpkin seeds they are rich in vitamin B12 and zinc which helps to boost your mood.
  3. Incorporate beans to your diet. Whether lentils, soybeans, navy or pinto they contain optimal amounts of magnesium that aids in muscle relaxation.
  4. Foods high in fiber, such as brown rice, brown bread, whole wheat pasta and low in salt.
  5. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can boost the body’s stores of vitamins and minerals that are depleted by prolonged stress.
  6. Eat yogurt. Yogurt contains B-12 which can help in producing healthy nerve cells.
  7. Salmon or chicken. Optimal amounts of niacin (B-3) which is needed for overall energy production.
  8. Chocolate, certainly last but not least. Now we’re talking this isn`t just any kind of chocolate though it needs to be dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is rick in magnesium which so many people are deficient in. Look for the highest percentage of cocoa.
  9. Munch on celery. Celery contains active compounds called phthalides, which can help relax the muscles around arteries and allow those vessels to dilate. With more space inside the arteries, this can reduce blood pressure.
  10. Add spinach, turkey and greens to your diet. These foods contain tryptophan which helps to regulate your appetite and can improve your sleep at night.

It may not happen overnight, it may be a few weeks before you really start noticing the changes. It worked for me and I was anxiety sufferer for over 10 years but by just incorporating some changes in my diet my whole mind and body felt stronger and healthier!

Learn more natural techniques to stop your anxiety or panic attacks with Panic Away. Panic Away's One Move Technique is an incredible tool to eliminate your anxiety or panic attacks permanently, written by a former anxiety sufferer Barry Joe McDonagh's program is different from the rest and will stop your attacks permanently!.

How to Spot General Anxiety in Your Child and How Panic Away Can Help

It's okay to feel scared, clingy or fearful as a young child, it's usually just a phase but when it lasts longer than 4 weeks and occurs in children 6 years and older it could be anxiety. Learn more with Panic Away.

Anxiety occurs when a child suffers excessive distress and becomes nervous or fearful. It can be triggered by a circumstance that the child feels is traumatic, a significant family change such as divorce, birth of sibling, first day of school, death in the family or just a scary event that the child personally experiences.

Common Signs to Watch For in Children With Anxiety:

• Tummy Aches, feeling nauseous
• Headaches
• Not wanting to go to school
• Avoidance of sleepovers
• Problems sleeping
• Needing to sleep in parents bed at night
• Refusal to attend extra-curricular activities
• Excessive or unrealistic worry

What You Can Do About It:

• Reassure your child. Really listen to what your child is saying to you. Reassure that you know and understand their feelings.
• Remember who they're learning from. Try not to be too over protective or fearful yourself.
• Try Panic Away.

Our children can see the world as a scary place so we need to make them feel confident and secure. The most amazing tool for eliminating general anxiety is Panic Away!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Inside the Different Types of Anxiety Attacks and How Panic

A panic or anxiety attack can happen to any person. It is usually sudden and sometimes a very intense occurrence of fear, anxiety and panic. Anxiety attacks are usually the result of many factors even though they can appear pretty random. Recurring stresses may be the issue or something traumatic are just a few things that may be causing the attacks. If anxiety is left untreated it can lead to depression and a person who is fearful of everything.

Do you know how many different types of anxiety there are? Did you know that a person can experience more than one kind of anxiety at a time?

The following are the most common:
  1. Generalized anxiety disorder (excessive worry for a period of over 6 months)
  2. Panic disorder (attacks that occur unexpectedly and repeatedly leaving you in fear when the next attack will happen. Most people experience the first attack between 15 and 19yrs old)
  3. Obsessive compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts and ritualistic behaviors)
  4. Phobias (exaggerated and unrealistic fear of a non-threatening situation)
  5. Social anxiety (anxiety in social situations causing considerable distress)
  6. Agoraphobia (when a person feels intensely anxious about being trapped in certain situations from which they can't easily escape)
Anxiety is twice as common in women as in men and is estimated that it affects 1 in 10 people Anxiety can begin at any age, typically the onset is 31 years old but it can even happen in childhood. So what does Anxiety feel like:

• Sense of dread or panic
• Heart racing
• Difficulty breathing
• Heart palpitations
• Sweating
• Pale
• Body trembles
• Feeling cold or chilled
• Sense of detachment or things not appearing real
• Sleep disturbances
• Feeling nauseous
• Numbness or tingling
• Chest pains
• Dizziness
• Fear of dying

When experiencing anxiety or panic it’s like a violent attack on our body. Learning to relax is the key when trying to win your battle with anxiety. Try Barry Joe McDonagh's Panic Away program, listen to soothing music, meditation tapes, find a support group or pray. The most important thing to do is to try something different so that you can get a different result. If you keep doing the same thing or nothing at all nothing will EVER change.

To help me finally overcome anxiety I found Barry Joe McDonagh's Panic Away Program the most effective. He provides a ton of carefully researched information and his One Move Technique is simple to add into your daily life - being a long time anxiety sufferer I felt reassured that he knew what he was talking about. Taking the first step can be scary but it's to your benefit to accept the help, you can live your life anxiety free!