A panic or anxiety attack can happen to any person. It is usually sudden and sometimes a very intense occurrence of fear, anxiety and panic. Anxiety attacks are usually the result of many factors even though they can appear pretty random. Recurring stresses may be the issue or something traumatic are just a few things that may be causing the attacks. If anxiety is left untreated it can lead to depression and a person who is fearful of everything.
Do you know how many different types of anxiety there are? Did you know that a person can experience more than one kind of anxiety at a time?
The following are the most common:
- Generalized anxiety disorder (excessive worry for a period of over 6 months)
- Panic disorder (attacks that occur unexpectedly and repeatedly leaving you in fear when the next attack will happen. Most people experience the first attack between 15 and 19yrs old)
- Obsessive compulsive disorder (obsessive thoughts and ritualistic behaviors)
- Phobias (exaggerated and unrealistic fear of a non-threatening situation)
- Social anxiety (anxiety in social situations causing considerable distress)
- Agoraphobia (when a person feels intensely anxious about being trapped in certain situations from which they can't easily escape)
• Sense of dread or panic
• Heart racing
• Difficulty breathing
• Heart palpitations
• Sweating
• Pale
• Body trembles
• Feeling cold or chilled
• Sense of detachment or things not appearing real
• Sleep disturbances
• Feeling nauseous
• Numbness or tingling
• Chest pains
• Dizziness
• Fear of dying
When experiencing anxiety or panic it’s like a violent attack on our body. Learning to relax is the key when trying to win your battle with anxiety. Try Barry Joe McDonagh's Panic Away program, listen to soothing music, meditation tapes, find a support group or pray. The most important thing to do is to try something different so that you can get a different result. If you keep doing the same thing or nothing at all nothing will EVER change.
To help me finally overcome anxiety I found Barry Joe McDonagh's Panic Away Program the most effective. He provides a ton of carefully researched information and his One Move Technique is simple to add into your daily life - being a long time anxiety sufferer I felt reassured that he knew what he was talking about. Taking the first step can be scary but it's to your benefit to accept the help, you can live your life anxiety free!
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