
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Ease Anxiety Attacks With a Healthy Diet and Beat Them for Good With Panic Away

Eat a healthy well balanced diet to ease the anxiety or panic attacks that keep you in bondage.

Anxiety sufferers are usually deficient in vitamins and minerals such as the B-complex vitamins and magnesium.

B-Complex: Help the nervous system to function properly and help to bring energy to people who are constantly stressed.
Magnesium: Helps muscles to relax and maintenance of the heart muscle.

Junk food only comforts you temporarily so reach for a healthy meal or snack, it will even out your emotions and help to give you more energy and reduce stress.

Causing mood swings, and lack of energy are foods that are refined or "white" such as white sugar, white pasta, white rice or white bread.

Reduce your caffieinated drinks like sodas and coffee. Consume in moderation, considered as a mild stimulant it affects the nervous system by increasing your heart rate. Also a diuretic, it can increase water loss through urination. Healthier alternatives would be water, herbal tea, milk or natural fruit juice.

So eat foods that give you a boost!

What Do I Eat?

  1. Skip the trans-fats. These are all bad for your heart so if it says ``hydrogenated`` or ``modified`` stay away.
  2. Nuts or seeds. Particularly almonds and pumpkin seeds they are rich in vitamin B12 and zinc which helps to boost your mood.
  3. Incorporate beans to your diet. Whether lentils, soybeans, navy or pinto they contain optimal amounts of magnesium that aids in muscle relaxation.
  4. Foods high in fiber, such as brown rice, brown bread, whole wheat pasta and low in salt.
  5. Eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can boost the body’s stores of vitamins and minerals that are depleted by prolonged stress.
  6. Eat yogurt. Yogurt contains B-12 which can help in producing healthy nerve cells.
  7. Salmon or chicken. Optimal amounts of niacin (B-3) which is needed for overall energy production.
  8. Chocolate, certainly last but not least. Now we’re talking this isn`t just any kind of chocolate though it needs to be dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is rick in magnesium which so many people are deficient in. Look for the highest percentage of cocoa.
  9. Munch on celery. Celery contains active compounds called phthalides, which can help relax the muscles around arteries and allow those vessels to dilate. With more space inside the arteries, this can reduce blood pressure.
  10. Add spinach, turkey and greens to your diet. These foods contain tryptophan which helps to regulate your appetite and can improve your sleep at night.

It may not happen overnight, it may be a few weeks before you really start noticing the changes. It worked for me and I was anxiety sufferer for over 10 years but by just incorporating some changes in my diet my whole mind and body felt stronger and healthier!

Learn more natural techniques to stop your anxiety or panic attacks with Panic Away. Panic Away's One Move Technique is an incredible tool to eliminate your anxiety or panic attacks permanently, written by a former anxiety sufferer Barry Joe McDonagh's program is different from the rest and will stop your attacks permanently!.

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