
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Water Helps Eliminate Anxiety Symptoms Learn More with Panic Away

Drinking water is critical not only to keep your body healthy but to help to alleviate anxiety symptoms. Panic Away is a fantastic program to teach you all you need to know!

Every organ in the body heavily depends on water to function properly and to its capacity. We are mostly water. The human body is 69% water. The brain is 85% water, bones 35% water, blood 83% water and the liver 90% water.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, and difficulty focusing and it is estimated that 75% of Americans are dehydrated. With everyone’s day being so busy, it may be difficult to drink the recommended daily intake of water, approximately 8 glasses a day so try to keep a water bottle handy at all times. When you start to feel thirsty your body is telling you that it's already dehydrated. Make sure you don't overdo it on your alcoholic beverages or caffeinated drinks; they actually dehydrate you that's why with alcohol you get that terrible 'hangover'because your body is crying out for water.

Signs of Moderate Dehydration

-Dry, sticky mouth
-Dark urine
-Dizzy or lightheaded

How to Stay Hydrated

-Drink 6-8, 8-ounce glasses of pure water every day.
-Try to drink every 30 minutes, especially first thing in the morning, it will help you feel energized, even if you don’t feel thirsty
-Avoid too much caffeinated drinks or alcohol.
-Water will also help keep your weight in check. Drinking 8 glasses of day will help you to feel more full.
-Herbal teas count too as long as there not diuretic.

Wreaking havoc with your emotions dehydration contributes substantially to fatigue, lethargy, headaches, nervousness and irritability. Note that dehydration can contribute to nervousness and anxiety. The anxiety or panic attacks diminish with regular water intake and helps to keep the body well hydrated and functioning well.

Water... What a powerful little way to stop the symptoms of anxiety or panic attacks. You can stop your anxiety or panic attacks, don't let anxiety rob your hope. Learn more with Panic Away.

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